
On December 29, 2015 LSWR Group concluded the acquisition of 50% of Quine Business Publisher, the leading publisher in construction sustainability. With the AiCARR journal, Blu & Rosso, CASA & CLIMA, "Guide of the Professional Installer", the "Journal of the Engineer" and the "Digital newspaper", every day LSWR reaches thousands of designers and operators of energy efficiency, guaranteeing professional updating and a lot of technical know-how.


"Mechanics & Automation" - founded in 1994, it is the business to business periodical for those who work in the world of mechanical industry, machine tools and industrial process automation activities.

"OM - Officina Moderna" - it's the new technical guide of the independent car repairer. A tool that combines industry training with step by step tutorials.

"Pulizia Industriale e Sanificazione" - it's the historical magazine of the cleaning sector, born in 1968: it is the reference point for those who work in the field of industrial cleaning and in all those sectors closely connected to it.